Megan Chen Therapy
Vocational Rehab
We all posess a range of strengths and weaknesses; how can we leverage these to create a good fit in our work and careers? I am here to help.
I will collaborate with you on your goals to IMPROVE, MODIFY & REMEDIATE skills and factors related to your work, enabling your participation in work tasks.
As an occupational therapist with 11+ years experience, I have seen a wide range of cognitive, physical and psychosocial factors that impact the way a person is able to participate in meaningful work.
Brief Resume:
Stickland Hopsital, Cape Town, South Africa 2012
Internship in vocational rehabilitation in an outpatient, psychiatric hospital
Companion Program, Portland, OR 2011-2012
Providing social support and engagement in community activities for adults with developmental disabilities.
Rehabilitation Institue of Oregon, Portland, OR 2013-2023
Occupational therapy rehab services provided for a wide range of neurological disorders with a primary focus on functional recovery from Brain Injury, Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury.
​To find out more about how I can help achieve your goals towards meaningful work please reach out and schedule a 15 minute free consultation.